Quite a few Blockchain/ICO pioneers have pronounced the death of the VC or traditional private equity fund model. Recently, at several meals, I keep getting asked if VCs are not useless and going to die off, so reposting.
We actually say the opposite. The crazier blockchain investing (including the ICO which is already in day of reckoning), we think the value of a skilled, smart VC investor actually GROW, not diminish.
Moreover, regardless if a protocol, DAPP or something else, in end, the startup needs to deliver. They need to build and retain teams, develop a product, sell and service customers, have accounting, deal with regulators, most likely, and even further financing. A real business isn’t just about a 5 page White Paper and a successful ICO fundraiser. Execution is paramount.
Joshua Cook of Lawfirm Gunderson Dettmer provides a convincing analysis of the ICO market from legal but also market perspective. We agree with his position on the role of the VC in this new blockchain word.