C10: Mind the Mind and Double Rainbows
October 8, 2020

Time is precious, time is finite.
We all should make amazing memories, every day.
Today, I got two that will stay with me for a long time, like the ephemeral Double Rainbow I capture from my window this afternoon that mesmerized me for just minutes before the autumn Toronto sun melted it away.
Today, I launched (with some incredible partners) my first apartment syndication deal – 76 units in one of my favorite places in the world – Clearwater Beach, Florida (#1 Beach in America according to TripAdvisor). We’ll share more soon and this gets me more than 76% to my goal (yes IN SPITE OF COVID) to own 100+ new doors of apartments in 2020!
Today, I took my second DEXA scan. DEXA is an accurate way to track body weight, fat, mass, etc. Three years ago, I made a promise to myself to look, feel and BE younger than the year BEFORE, year after year. Three years ago, I was 167 pounds and couldn’t sleep well. A month ago today, I started the www.builtwithscience program with my coach/fellow real estate investor @Arthur Kwok and weigh 149 lbs @ 22.8% body fat; today I clocked at 145 lbs @ 18.8% body fat – losing a whopping 6.4% lbs of fat mass while gaining 2.5 lobs of lean mass in just 4 weeks!
Beyond the results, I’m enjoying this journey immensely. For the first time in many years, I’m unable to sleep like a baby for 7 hours at a time (before 4-5 hours) and I‘ve never felt better.
Above is important and this is the Mind, Body, Soul section of the Wizards community.
The last of the Ten Commandments in our book, “Mind the Mind” is also the hardest to execute. Knowing the first nine commandments while not having the mindset (mind body and soul) to follow through, consistent, long-term – still won’t cut it.
Whether in investing as all the Investment Wizards we researched and share in the book and here in the Wizards community – they Mind their Minds.
I’m learning from these great investors and still have a long path to go, but what a great journey it has been, so far.
Seared in my mind as wonderful as the Double Rainbow image.
Life’s great.