Closed! Oasis at Ballast Point – 135-unit apartment in South Tampa, the fastest-growing rental market in the nation. We and…
天或“tian”在中文意为“天空”,有穹苍广阔至高无上之意。 在Skytian,我们是世界公民, 致力精进学习生活与投资,制定梦想全力实现,并坚守我们的核心价值。
Closed! Oasis at Ballast Point – 135-unit apartment in South Tampa, the fastest-growing rental market in the nation. We and…
San Eng (Class ‘88) is honored to share stage with fellow alums of Phillips Exeter Academy John Snow (‘79) MD…
Zillow predicts 14.3% national home value growth with Tampa expected to share 24.6% in 2022. Real estate platform Zillow has…
Skytian is proud to report continued stellar performance of this asset, thanks to both strong macro factors (buying the right…
Coconut Villas Investors and friends of Skytian: BLUF: Coconut Villas is performing very strongly, with both condo sales and unit… Thank you for coming out to our year end celebration last night at downtown St Pete, we had a…
This month, I attended my first Tony Robbins event: Unleashed the Power Within. I attended with many of my real…
We try to Walk the Talk in my own investing these days, following the #10Cs – the Ten Commandments of…
#10Cs #saneng #skytiancapital #multifamily #realestate #tampa This insightful article from Tampa Bay Business Journal shows the top 30 metros with…
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