Many western observers/media still (unfairly, in my view) see China as a copy-cat, non-innovator…well, here are 28 “jaw-dropping” Chinese innovations…
天或“tian”在中文意为“天空”,有穹苍广阔至高无上之意。 在Skytian,我们是世界公民, 致力精进学习生活与投资,制定梦想全力实现,并坚守我们的核心价值。
Many western observers/media still (unfairly, in my view) see China as a copy-cat, non-innovator…well, here are 28 “jaw-dropping” Chinese innovations…
Starting a new decade developing time to this non-profit helped setup and leading, FIRE Wizards. The first event was a…
I’m honored Family Office Magazine published my article on food and farming’s impact on the earth, and ultimately humanity. For…
“The killer app for the blockchain is not tokens, but is the creation of private economies, new protocols or development…
Yet, that’s the side story. Most industry observers would agree given Binance’s quality platform and business practices, it was just…
Lessons learned comparing blockchain to earlier technologies and bubbles When I was a wide-eye, world-is-my-oyster 28 year-old CEO of a…
Quite a few Blockchain/ICO pioneers have pronounced the death of the VC or traditional private equity fund model. Recently, at…
Now in my 7th week international “Blockchain Tour” of attending conferences and learning from industry players. I am beginning to…
Was honoured to be invited to celebrate Chinese New Year at 10 Downing and met with the honourable Prime Minister…
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